This portable project speculates that architecture is enacted as well as built. Practising what architects call ‘program’, this accommodation drives between parking lots rehearsing hotelness and its accompanying view by combining a van, a scissor lift, and an inflatable room. Using the main transportation modes of the city and the suburb, an elevator and an automobile, the hotel rehearsal © is a building that moves in both directions. Through these omnicartesian abilites, guests can change what they see from their window by either raising and lowering their air engorged vinyl shelter or driving to another lot.
The Hotel Rehearsal

Biennial of the Americas, Denver. CO, 2013, Photo: Cristobal Palma

Biennial of the Americas, Denver. CO, 2013, Photo: Cristobal Palma

Biennial of the Americas, Denver. CO, 2013, Photo: Cristobal Palma

Biennial of the Americas, Denver. CO, 2013, Photo: Cristobal Palma

Biennial of the Americas, Denver. CO, 2013, Photo: Cristobal Palma

The Glass House, New Canaan, CT, 2013, Photo: Amanda Kirkpatrick

The Glass House, New Canaan, CT, 2013, Photo: Amanda Kirkpatrick

B&O Play, Greenpoint, Brooklyn, NY, Photo: Sina Basila

B&O Play, Greenpoint, Brooklyn, NY, Photo: Sina Basila

B&O Play, Greenpoint, Brooklyn, NY, Photo: Ale Schweder