Slow Teleport

Wood, Metal, Household Items, Four People, One Labyrinth, Ten Days, 2019.

Slow Teleport is a direct response to its location in the labyrinth of the Parc Central, in Luxembourg. Made in collaboration with artistic partner Ward Shelley, the duo was joined by Matthew Brown and Clemens Klein. Their performance began by building a ‘mysterious object’ at one corner of the triangular maze. Over the course of ten days, the artists lived and worked to build an improvised bridge-like structure above and straddling the hedges by removing pieces that comprised the ‘object’. Without leaving or touching the ground, but pausing to talk to visitors, the team built this pathway toward numbered yellow storage caches containing food and supplies until they reached the other side. Once there, the parts used to construct the walkway were pulled up from the staring location and used to reconstruct the ‘mysterious object’ at the destination end point.  What remained after the ‘teleportation’ were fragmentary remnants of their crossing to mark this ephemeral occurrence. Slow Teleport was commissioned for the 1 + 1 Biennial by Casino Luxembourg and Fonds Kirchberg. Special thanks to curators Christine Walentiny and Katrijn Van Damme and videographer Carlton Bright.

1 + 1 Biennial, photo: Matthew Brown
1 + 1 Biennial, photo: Clemens Klein
1 + 1 Biennial, photo: Clemens Klein
1 + 1 Biennial, photo: Carlton Bright
1 + 1 Biennial, photo: Carlton Bright